九州大学における情報セキュリティについて 平成24年 4月 1日発行


  九州大学でみなさんが安心して教育、研究、業務に ICT インフラを活用するためには、情報セキュリティ対策の実施や情報セキュリティポリシーに基づく情報の目的外利用、外部からの不正アクセス、情報漏洩などイ ンシデント発生の防止が重要です。また、職員・学生は情報セキュリティに対する意識を高め、インシデント発生の防止に努めるとともに、万一のインシデント 発生時には緊急対応や2次的被害の拡大防止に努めることが必要です。インシデント発生時の学内通報ルートや調査・対策・報告の措置については、情報統括本 部が定めています。

URL https://www.nc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/net/faq/faq_sec.html

   本学では、著作権侵害防止のためファイル交換ソフト(100bao(百宝),Blubster,Cabos,eDonkey2000, eMule, G2, Gnutella, Grokster, iMesh,Kazaa, KuGoo(KuGou, 酷狗), Kuwo(酷我), Lime Wire, Morpheus,Overnet, PerfectDark, Piolet, PPLive, PPStream, QQLive(QQ 直播),RockItNet, Share, Shareaza, soulseek, TTPlayer(千千静听), Xunlei
(Thunder,迅雷), BitTorrent, Winny, WinMX)の使用を禁止

ファ イル交換ソフトはインストールするだけで著作権侵害行為に加担する恐れがあり、非常に深刻な事態となる可能性があります。個人所有のパソコンでも本学の ネットワークに接続することがある場合はファイル交換ソフトをインストールしては絶対にいけませんし、家庭でも使用しないようにしましょう。
URL http://www.sec.kyushu-u.ac.jp/sec/p2p/p2p.html


   九州大学はシマンテックとアカデミックサブスクリプションプログラム契約を結んでいます。この契約に基づき、ウイルス対策ソフトとして、本学の学生・職員個人で所有するパソコンにシマンテック社製 Endpoint Protection を一人1台限り、無料でインストールできます。
URL http://soft.iii.kyushu-u.ac.jp/a-virus/inquiry.html




・PC 及び可搬型メモリの紛失・盗難による漏洩対策:ファイル・フォルダ、ボリューム、ハードディスクの暗号化。

・PC のウイルス感染、不正アクセス等による漏洩


・ログインしたままPC から離れること等による漏洩
    対策:パスワードによるPC へのログインを制限し、PC のオートロックを設定する。


・公衆PC の業務利用による漏洩
    対策:公衆 PC で業務データを一切扱わない。

・PC や記録媒体の廃棄による漏洩

・認証情報(パソコン、SSO-KID、IC 学生証、パスワード、等)を紛失した場合

URL http://www.sec.kyushu-u.ac.jp/FAQ/manual/rouei2.pdf




      Information Security Guide 

    Version 2 
   Published on April 1, 2012

In order to protect various information assets of Kyushu University,
measure of information security, compliance of security
police and avoidance of unauthorized access from outside and
security incident such as leak of information are important. In
addition, awareness of information security and avoidance of
security incidents, emergency
correspondence against security incidents and efforts for avoidance
of damage spreadings by staffs and students are necessary.


About Information Security of Kyushu University

○ Security Policy of Kyushu University
The principal policy for information security of Kyushu University for the usage of
information infrastructure such as campus network and computers has been decided.
Please understand this security policy and comply the rule for informationsecurity.
Here is the URL. https://www.nc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/net/faq/faq_sec.html

○ Prohibited Software to prevent copyright infringement
In order to prevent copyright infringement, Usage of file sharing/exchange software
(100bao, Blubster,Cabos,eDonkey2000, eMule, G2, Gnutella, Grokster,
iMesh, Kazaa, KuGoo,KuGou,, Kuwo, Lime Wire, Morpheus, Overnet,
PerfectDark, Piolet, PPLive, PPStream, QQLive, QQ, RockItNet, Share, Shareaza,
soulseek, TTPlayer, Xunlei Thunder, BitTorrent, Winny, WinMX) in KyushuUniversity are prohibited.

You may have trouble about copyright infringement even if you just install those
file sharing/exchange software. Then please don't install those software even into
your private PC if you want to use it on Campus network. And please don't use
those software when you return to your home. Anyway please don't use those file
sharing/exchange software to present copyright infringement. (The Information
Infrastructure Initiative is always watching campus network whether those softwareare used by IDS.)
Please refer following URL. http://www.sec.kyushu-u.ac.jp/sec/p2p/p2p.html


○ Campus-License Anti-Virus Software
You can install Symantec Endpoint Protection (Anti-Virus Software) into one of
your private PCs based on Campus-License Program of Kyushu University.
URL http://soft.iii.kyushu-u.ac.jp/a-virus/inquiry.html


The credit of Kyushu University will be damaged significantly by leaks of private
and/or confidential information from university. Please be aware of these daily
counter measures against information leaks.

[Cases of information leak and counter measures]
・Leak caused by lost or stolen PCs and portable memories
  Counter measure: Encrypt files, folders, volumes, hard disks.
・Leak caused by virus infection and improper access
  Counter measure: Use the latest release of an antivirus software
・Leak caused by file sharing/exchange software
  Counter measure: DO NOT to use file sharing/exchange software
・Leak caused by leaving PC logged-on
  Counter measure: Restrict log-in to PCs by password and set auto-lock on
・Leak caused by exchanging E-mails
  Counter measure: Encrypt important data when sending
・Leak caused by using public PC for work
  Counter measure: DO NOT to handle any data related to work on public PCs
・Leak caused by PCs and storage media which are abandoned
  Counter measure: Erase completely with an erasing tool for hard disks and shredding
  for CDs and DVDs
・Leak caused by losing identification information (SSO-KID, Student ID with IC,Password etc.)

Counter measure: Notify Information Infrastructure Initiative, ID-Room. Notify
Information Security Working Group in case of emergency
(Manual of counter measures for information leak)
URL http://www.sec.kyushu-u.ac.jp/FAQ/manual/rouei2.pdf (in Japanese only)


  • ○ Flowchart of the process for security incident handing
    It is important to detect any incidents of information security (damage or offence)
    and to take action to minimize the damage. In the case that it happens, you are required
    to notify (first alert) the Information Security Working Group of Information
    Infrastructure Initiative according to "Communication and process flowchart for information
    security incidents
    ". (Please provide the necessary information in accordance
    with the form of "information security incident report".)
    URL http://www.sec.kyushu-u.ac.jp/sec/sec-incident.html (in Japanese only)

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